viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Real Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa lanza su segundo satélite

Royal Thai Air Force's 2nd Satellite Launched into Space

The Napa-2 earth observation satellite (images : Nanosats)

BANGKOK (Xinhua) -- The Royal Thai Air Force's second satellite was successfully launched into space on Thursday, according to Thailand's Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA).

The Napa-2 earth observation satellite was launched aboard SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida in the United States at 02:31 a.m. local time, the GISTDA announced on its Facebook page.

The Napa-2 satellite launch followed Napa-1 satellite, the first of the Thai Air Force, which was successfully launched into space in last September from French Guiana.

Those satellites were primarily designed to collect data pertaining to Thailand's natural resources, climate, air defense and national security.


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