sábado, 14 de abril de 2018

Putin dice que los ataques a Siria son actos de agresión

Russian President Vladimir Putin: Missile strikes on Syria 'act of aggression'

Oren Dorell, USA TODAY

Targets attacked in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia will call for an emergency meeting of the United Nations' Security Council following the coordinated missile strikes by the U.S., France and the U.K. against Syria.

Calling the airstrikes as “act of aggression," the Russian leader said Saturday that strikes had a “destructive influence on the entire system of international relations" and will exacerbate humanitarian catastrophe in Syria, the Associated Press reported. Putin also reaffirmed Russia’s view that a purported chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma that prompted the strike was a fake.

Syria's President Bashar Assad announced after a U.S. military strike that his country would respond, while Russia's ambassador to Washington warned of unspecified "consequences."

"Good souls will not be humiliated," Assad said on his official Twitter account.

President Trump on Friday announced that a series of strikes were launched by the United States, France and Britain on Assad's chemical weapons facilities in Syria. Trump said the attack would be sustained to ensure that Syria does not use chemical weapons to attack civilians.

After the Pentagon said the strikes were over, Russian ambassador Anatoly Antonov issued a statement on Twitter accusing the allies of "a pre-designed scenario" against Russia and Syria.

"Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences," Antonov said. "All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris."

He added: "Insulting the president of Russia is unacceptable and inadmissible. The U.S. — the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons — has no moral right to blame other countries."

The Russian military said Saturday that Syria’s Soviet-made air defense systems downed 71 out of 103 cruise missiles launched by the United States and its allies, according to The Associated Press.

Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the Russian military’s General Staff said the strikes have not caused any casualties and Syrian military facilities targeted by the U.S., Britain and France have suffered only minor damage, the Associated Press reported.

Russian military and diplomatic officials warned before Trump ordered a military strike on Syria that they would counter any attack on Syrian forces in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack on April 7.

Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon on Tuesday had told Lebanon's Al Manar TV that any U.S. missiles fired at Syria would be shot down and the launch sites targeted, Reuters reported.

Russian Ambassador to Beirut Alexander Zasypkin cited orders by Putin.

"If there is a U.S. missile attack, we — in line with both Putin and Russia's chief of staff's remarks — will shoot down U.S. rockets and even the sources that launched the missiles," Zasypkin told al Manar.

Russian submarines

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the Hmeimim (also Khmeimim) Air Base, south-east of the city of Latakia in Syria, with transport planes seen in the background on Dec. 11, 2017. (Photo: Michael Klimentyev, EPA)

On Friday, before Trump’s announcement, Russia’s government news site Tass reported that the Russian Navy was monitoring U.S. and NATO ships in the eastern Mediterranean.

Warships and submarines of the Russian naval task force were keeping track at a close distance of U.S. and NATO assault ships and submarines in the area, Tass said, citing military and diplomatic sources.

The Russian navy ships were ordered to monitor the underwater, surface and air situation in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, including approaches and maneuvering of foreign ships in the area near Syria’s Tartus, a port city where Russia has its only foreign base outside of Europe.

Russia in the past week also sought to counter U.S. diplomatic efforts to marshal international support for its condemnation of the Syrian government led byAssad, who the U.S. has concluded ordered the chemical attack that killed dozens of Syrian civilians in the East Goutha suburb of Damascus.

Chemical attacks' victims

Russia's diplomats and military officers issued numerous contradictory statements about the chemical attack, saying it didn't happen, that it launched by Syrian rebels on themselves, and that British intelligence ordered it as a provocation.

Iran's Fars News Agency reported Friday that Russian fighter jets were patrolling Syrian air space to defend against any attackers.

The Russian aircraft were scrambled in response to reports of seven U.S. spy planes near the coastal regions of Tartus and Lattakia.

The U.S. aircraft were reported flying along the coast near Russia's Humeimim Military Airport in the southwestern Lattakia province, Fars reported.

1 comentario:

  1. Es increíble cómo EEUU y sus secuaces hacen lo que quieren. Con la excusa de un supuesto ataque químico por parte de Assad (¿Con qué necesidad si gana las batallas sin este tipo de medios?), ataque que no tiene pruebas verdaderas, ampliamente cuestionadas, lanzan contra Siria un zarpazo criminal, sin pedir permiso a la ONU, a su propio congreso. La única razón que acompaña a los EEUU para hacer este tipo de atropellos es el tremendo arsenal militar que tienen. ¿Necesita Assad usar armas químicas para ganar las batallas frente a los terroristas? No. La capacidad de la inteligencia occidental para armar cosas como esta es tremendo. Inventan una excusa para atacar brutalmente a Siria.
