Radar Hughes Marines For Modernization Infantry and Artillery Battalions
Kelvin Hughes radar test by the Marine Corps (photos: Marine Corps)
Marines Test Hughes Radar
Dispen Kormar (Hambalang). Marine Corps Navy conducts Radar / surface type Radar observation and coaching, Radar Hughes or known Ground Surveyland Radar System (GSRS) at Bukal Hambalang, Sentul Bogor, West Java, Wednesday (15/02/18).

This function test is performed to determine the ability to detect, know and identify enemies that move in the form of vehicles and personnel continuously from 360 degrees and can be made Zone Clearing Alarm that can detect enemies entering certain areas. which is planned to strengthen the Marine Corps Alkapsus become more modern, especially the Marine Infantry Battalion and Marine Corps Artillery.

Radar Hughes provides a complete radar-based mobile surveillance solution for vehicle integration, The system can be deployed as a single SharpEye SxV mobile radar integrated with telescopic vehicle pole systems or self-contained trailers.

With SharpEye radar as the main detection sensor, security regulators and patrols can monitor and intercept threats in remote places and find it difficult to access locations in a long span. The cellular surveillance radar solution enables frequent and easy location movement with immediate deployment and control capabilities within seconds of radar and camera upgrades.

Radar Kelvin Hughes GSRS (photo: Kevin Hughes)
Radar Hughes is a new generation of British-made radar designed in line with technological advancements and the development of the ability to detect drones, Radar Hugs equipped with Camera, Video, Tracking and Target Information, Map View, and Hardware Compatibility.

Radar Kelvin Hughes GSRS (photo: Kevin Hughes)
The trial and coaching of Radar Hughes is reviewed by Colonel Mar Enjang Suryana, Aslog Dankormar Colonel Mar Budiarso, Kormitant Kormar Colonel Mar Agung Trisnanto, Danbrigif-2 Mar Colonel Mar Kresno Pratowo, Danmenart-2 Lieutenant Colonel Wahyudi Saputra.
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