The First Image of Vietnam Battleship SIGMA 9814
SIGMA 9814 model battleship of Vietnam recently revealed at Defense Channel Television (photo: GDQP)
Based on the model has been revealed, it can be judged SIGMA 9814 class ships will be capable of, the comprehensive.
Defense News Television (QPVN) Vietnam's Ministry of Defense, broadcast at 20.00 the day 26/2 has officially revealed the first images of the "shape" of the modern class SIGMA 9814 ships will strengthen Vietnam Navy in the future.
Based on a images reveal on Defense Channel Television shows the SIGMA 9814 of Vietnam will be equipped with advanced weapons systems, combining the foundation of Russia and the West.
Based on the picture above, can be concluded that the first design occupies SIGMA 9814 ships of Vietnam is very similar to the design SIGMA 10514 which Holland played for the Indonesian Navy, the only thing is it (SIGMA 9814) shorter than 7m.
Specifically, the front side of the ship is a 76mm Oto Melara gun turret ship, immediately after the superstructure is radar tube placement 8 Exocet anti-ship missile Block III (2 pans, each 4-tube missile launch pad placed cross each other). The stern has a landing strip large enough for a helicopter of the Russian Kamov anti-submarine could takeoff and landing. However, according to observers, the brothel next to the heliport is too small, there may not be capable of accommodating a helicopter as Ka-27/28 style.
However, the brothel fully redundant power to be able to deploy a helicopter drone as Camcopter S-100 type of Austria and it is also reasonable for the information to foreign media recently revealed, the developer of S-100 UAV helicopter is SCHIEBEL are engaged discussions with the Dutch shipyard for integration of UAV systems S-100 to cavity 2 of the 9814 Sigma corvette Vietnam during the production.
Easy to see the similarities in design between the two warships SIGMA 9814 of Vietnam and SIGMA 10514 of Indonesia (photo : DatViet)
Below the bottom of a bow mounted sonar acoustics systems to detect enemy submarines. That means SIGMA 9814 has the ability to detect and destroy submarines using torpedoes.
Regarding the weapons systems, more noteworthy position behind the 76mm gun turret system can have more vertical launch tubes (VLS) for air defense of the MBDA VL MICA (France) where the information previously taken. In front of the bridge, after VLS systems have an extra gun turret mounted on high, probably close range defense gun Rheinmetall 35mm CIWS like Millenium design of warships of the Navy SIGMA 10514 of Indonesia. On the roof of the helicopter hangar is a gun turret but unknown caliber and type.
About avionics, no configuration changes with SIGMA 9814 ships that the company IHS Jane's believe he ever revealed, the ship is equipped with a TACTICOS combat system management, targeted search radar SMART-S MK2 and fire control systems STING EO MK2 developed by Thales Netherlands. These are electronic systems belongs to the most advanced in Europe.
Thus, designers can identify SIGMA 9814 ships of Vietnam is fairly compact, has been optimized in size, fully armed and comprehensive, both anti-ship, anti-submarine, defense capability not, as well as close-range defensive weapons.
Stern Can The layout Kamov naval helicopters also revealed the ability Vietnam will probably buy a few more helicopters or naval Ka Ka-27/28 -31 in the near future.