sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020

El satélite espía iraní no hace temblar el pulso del Pentágono

Iran's 'Tumbling Webcam in Space' Poses Little Threat, US General Says

The satellite launched by Iran last week is unsteady and has limited imaging capabilities, the chief of space operations says

US Gen. John Raymond. Photo: Reuters

The head of the US Space Force hinted on April 26 that the satellite launched by Iran several days earlier is unstable and equipped with a low-resolution camera, so its capability to provide intelligence is extremely limited.

In a Twitter post regarding the satellite, Gen. John Raymond said "Iran states it has imaging capabilities — actually, it’s a tumbling webcam in space; unlikely providing intel."

He also described the Nour-1 as a 3U CubeSat, a widely developed type of small satellite. The 4-star general said the Space Force is continuing to track two objects associated with the April 22 launch.

The Space Force is the first newly-created branch of the US armed forces in over 70 years.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement on April 25 that "For years, Iran has claimed its space program is purely peaceful and civilian. The Trump Administration has never believed this fiction."

The launch by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps is proof that "Iran’s space program is neither peaceful nor entirely civilian," he added.

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